Su selección: 68 de 68 tecnologías
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + |
A River or Stream is a naturally flowing, usually fresh, watercourse that moves towards an ocean, sea, lake or another River, though a River can flow into the ground and dry out at the end of its course without reaching another body of water. Rivers generally collect water from precipitation through a catchment basin from surface runoff and other sources, such as groundwater recharge, springs and the release of water stored in natural ice and snow-packs (e.g. from glaciers). They follow drainage channels that tend to be smaller and faster nearer the source and can be seasonal depending on the climate. Rivers are useful in acute stages of an emergency where large quantities of water are needed quickly, though they can be used in any phase.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + |
A Pond or Lake is a still or slow-moving surface water body formed by surface runoff, river water collecting in a depression or groundwater collecting in an excavated area. They can thus be natural or man-made (e.g. by damming flowing water to form a Lake). Naturally occurring Lakes, Ponds or existing Reservoirs can be useful in acute stages of an emergency where large quantities of water are needed quickly, while planned new Reservoirs may be an option for long-term interventions such as drought mitigation.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + |
Brackish Water has a higher salinity than freshwater, but it is not as saline as Seawater. It occurs naturally where Seawater (salt water) and fresh water mix, as in estuaries or in brackish fossil aquifers. In an emergency, Brackish Water might be the only available source, and it is possible that it is already in use, or in the case of Seawater, it might already be used as part of a pre-existing desalination plant.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + |
Groundwater originates from both surface water, such as rivers or lakes, and via precipitation that infiltrates the surface. This infiltration is mostly natural, though can be enhanced through managed aquifer recharge techniques. Once in the ground, water collects in the spaces between particles and can flow slowly. This saturated area that allows water movement is called an aquifer, which can be either unconfined (open to atmospheric pressure) or confined (under greater pressure than atmospheric pressure). Groundwater is useful in all phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + |
A Spring is formed where groundwater exits the surface at a particular point. When the water comes from unconfined aquifers where the water surface is open to atmospheric pressure, gravity springs are formed, and when the water comes from a confined aquifer that is under pressure, artesian springs are formed. Springs are useful in all phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + |
Gravity can be used as an energy source for transporting water by taking advantage of differences in elevation to move water (usually via pipelines). This can occur either from elevated water sources to storage tanks and treatment facilities or directly from elevated storage facilities to supply points. It can be used in many different stages in a water system and in all phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Human-Powered Energy Systems are based on the use of human force. In the acute response phase, Human Power is often limited to transporting water, while supply and treatment are managed centrally to ensure adequate water quantity of the desired quality can be delivered. Human-Powered abstraction, transport and treatment can be used in all response phases and is common during acute emergencies, especially in natural disasters where it might be the only energy source available for a period of time.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Wind-Powered Energy Systems use wind energy either directly (e.g. to mechanically move a pumping mechanism) or indirectly (e.g. to create electricity that can be used or stored). If it is not already present, this system is not well suited to the acute response phase, though may be a suitable option for more sustainable power in the longer term.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Solar electrical energy is produced when photovoltaic (PV) cells convert solar energy to electricity, which usually then powers a submersible or surface pump to abstract raw water. Solar-Powered pumping systems (SPPS) should be combined with an elevated water storage tank (or if unavoidable, with batteries) to store energy, ensuring a continued water supply on cloudy days and at night.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
Diesel-Powered Energy Systems use diesel engines directly on site to generate the energy needed to power water pumping, transport or treatment. This energy source is more suited to acute emergencies when grid power might not be immediately available, but it is less suitable in the long term due to the mounting environmental and financial costs.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
A Rainwater Raised Surface Collection system uses a raised surface to channel runoff water to a storage tank that is either under or above ground. It can provide convenient access to water in an emergency when alternative sources are scarce, emergency water supply systems are not yet in place, populations are scattered and/or to mitigate seasonal water shortages.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
A Rainwater Ground Surface Collection system uses the ground to channel runoff water to a storage area. Although rarely done in practice during the acute response phase, any natural or artificial ground surfaces that already exist (and certain types of rapidly installed artificial surfaces such as plastic sheeting) could be useful during the rainy season. Overall, this type of rainwater catchment tends to be more suited to long-term drought mitigation or groundwater recharge.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
River and Lake Water Intakes are used in surface water bodies to abstract raw water that is pumped to a water treatment facility. In acute emergencies, unless these structures are already permanently installed, they tend to be simple temporary floating intakes. For longer-term use, more permanent structures might be considered.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
A Groundwater Dam is a structure that slows or stops the flow of shallow groundwater, most often in seasonal riverbeds, increasing the availability of shallow groundwater upstream of the structure. The technology is not suitable for the acute or stabilisation phases of emergencies, and is more suited to long-term drought mitigation.
Response Phase
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
Riverbank Filtration is a water withdrawal method in which water is pumped from the ground via the banks of a river (or other surface water body). The water abstracted is thus surface water that has received a preliminary treatment by passing a short distance through sediments and soil to where it is abstracted. Riverbank Filtration can be very useful both in the acute response phase where certain types of wells (e.g. jetted wells) can be installed quickly, as well as in the recovery and stabilisation phases.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
A Protected Borehole is a small diameter drilled hole that is lined and covered, with water withdrawn using a pump. Existing boreholes can be equipped quickly to provide water in the acute response phase, but new boreholes, with the exception of jetted wells, are normally reserved for the stabilisation phase, as they can take several months to organise and complete.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Hydraulic Ram or Impulse Pumps convert the difference in elevation between the feed pipe intake (e.g. from a nearby river or flow from an elevated reservoir) and the pump itself into kinetic energy that moves water through the delivery pipe. Impulse Pumps require little to no energy input other than a flowing water source and can reliably provide pressurised water from that existing source (including spring water). This technology is mainly applicable during the stabilisation and recovery phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
A Piston-Plunger Suction Pump is a positive displacement pump that displaces a fixed amount of water per cycle. All working parts are usually above ground. This type of pump can be quite common in some areas, and can be rehabilitated in emergencies to bring them back into use, though it tends to not be suitable in acute emergencies where infrastructure must be built. It is instead more suitable for long-term water supply in rural areas (or for irrigation purposes). Non-suction Deep Well Piston Pumps are described in [A.4].
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
A Direct Action Pump is a positive displacement pump that displaces a fixed amount of water per cycle. Water is lifted or displaced directly by the user without additional levers or bearings. The pump is mostly unsuitable for emergencies and should be reserved for long-term water supply in rural areas.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
A Deep Well Piston Pump is a positive displacement pump that displaces a fixed amount of water per cycle. Water is lifted from depths of up to 90 metres with the aid of additional levers or gears. The pump is rarely suitable in the acute phase of an emergency and is instead better for long-term water supply in rural areas with low population densities.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Response Phase
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
A Rope Pump (also known as a rope and washer pump) is a positive displacement pump that displaces a fixed amount of water per cycle. Water is lifted directly using the continuous movement of a flywheel moving in one direction (rather than in a reciprocating manner). Components below ground are mostly made from plastic, making them corrosion resistant and easier to maintain. These pumps are usually not suited to the acute response phase, and are more for long-term water supply in rural areas, where they are good for upgrading open wells and disused boreholes to improve access and water quality.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
An Axial Flow Pump is a large diesel or electric motor-driven pump capable of moving large volumes of water at relatively low heads. The most common uses for Axial Flow Pumps are for clearing water from flooded areas, lifting large amounts of flow within a treatment plant or water system, or for agricultural purposes, but they tend not to be used in the acute phase of an emergency.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + |
City | + + |
A Pumping Station is an entire system dedicated to pumping water and a wide range of other liquids. Clean water Pumping Stations range in size from small, prefabricated or skid-mounted systems capable of providing water to a few households to large, municipal- or industrial-scale permanent installations that are up to several hundred kilowatt in size and that require detailed design by engineers followed by complex construction. Smaller systems exist that can be quickly deployed in all phases of an emergency, whereas large Pumping Stations tend to be part of a well-functioning municipal water supply system, and as such, will not be used in an emergency unless in the case of the rehabilitation of an existing plant.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
A Roughing Filter is used to remove suspended solids from very turbid (or muddy) water using differently sized filtration media ranging from coarse to fine gravel. It is a pre-treatment step prior to a final disinfection process, such as Chlorination [T.6], Slow Sand Filtration [T.9] or Ultrafiltration [T.10]. It can be used in the stabilisation and recovery phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Microfiltration (MF) membranes provide excellent filtration with low final water turbidity (typically less than 0.1 NTU) and high removal levels for pathogenic protozoan cysts/oocysts, Giardia and Cryptosporidium and bacteria. As a final treatment step, Chlorination [T.6] or Ultrafiltration [T.10] as well as Nanofiltration/Reverse Osmosis [T.15] can be used. MF is applicable in all emergency phases and at different scales (see [H.4] for household scale).
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Sedimentation is a pre-treatment step used to remove suspended solids from water with varying levels of turbidity (or ‘muddiness’) and may involve the addition of chemicals to accelerate the process. It can be used prior to a final treatment step, such as Microfiltration [T.3], Chlorination [T.6] or Nanofiltration/Reverse Osmosis [T.15]. Sedimentation can be used in all phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Chlorination is a final drinking water treatment step, as it inactivates pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. It is also used for other purposes such as disinfecting infrastructure (e.g. wells, pipes or boreholes) and equipment (e.g. in cholera treatment centres, [X.14]). It is used in all phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Onsite Electro-Chlorination (electrolytic generation of sodium hypochlorite) produces chlorine for disinfection through the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride (common salt, or NaCl). It can be produced in batch mode, converting a salt solution into sodium hypochlorite with a concentration of 6–12 g/L either in one buffer tank or in a flow-through system that continuously produces hypochlorite.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Ultrafiltration (UF) is part of the family of pressurised membrane filtration systems that can purify water from undissolved and most dissolved substances. UF is used as a final treatment step and can be applied in the acute response as well as in the stabilisation and recovery phases of emergencies.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Fluoride is a groundwater contaminant derived from minerals present in rocks and soils (commonly volcanic-derived sediments). At levels over 1.5 mg/L, it can directly impact human health so must be removed to ensure a safe water supply. Nonetheless, as the negative health impacts only occur over the long term and because they are time consuming to establish, Fluoride Removal processes are more suited to the stabilisation and recovery phases.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Arsenic is a groundwater contaminant derived from naturally occurring minerals present in rocks and soils (commonly in young alluvial sediments) as well as from industrial activities (e.g. mining). When present at levels over 10 μg/L, arsenic can directly impact human health and should be addressed as soon as possible at any phase of an emergency. Arsenic can be removed from groundwater by precipitation, adsorption, ion exchange or Reverse Osmosis [T.15].
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) is the most used adsorption method in drinking water to remove taste, odour and colour-causing compounds, natural organic matter, disinfection by-products and synthetic organic chemicals present in the source water. GAC is also used for vapour treatment to remove noxious odours and contaminants. In small-scale treatment plants, it is often used for chlorine and chloramine removal. GAC can be used in all phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Ozonation is a water treatment process that destroys microorganisms and degrades organic pollutants through the infusion of ozone, a gas produced by subjecting oxygen molecules to a high electrical voltage. During emergencies, the technology is mainly applicable in the stabilisation and recovery phases in urban contexts, where the experience in using such systems already exists.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
City | + + |
Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis (NF/RO) have essentially the same equipment arrangements, and both remove contaminants by applying pressure to water across a semi-permeable membrane. RO is used to desalinate brackish water and seawater and removes organic and inorganic compounds (e.g. nitrate) and microorganisms. The key difference is that NF removes less salt (e.g. NaCl) and other monovalent ions than RO and is mainly used to remove colour, organic contaminants (e.g. pesticides) and lower the hardness (softening). Distillation, such as a solar still made of local materials, is a potential alternative. A related method, membrane distillation, is typically not commercially available.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Household Water Containers are lightweight plastic or metal Containers with a lid that can be carried by one person. They are most often used to carry water manually from the point of collection to the point of use (usually the home) (see [S.8]) and can also be used as storage Containers in the home. They are suited to all phases of an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Water Vendors resell and distribute utility water or water from other sources. They fill a gap in water provision when there is no functional household distribution network or for places not covered by humanitarian supplies during (urban) emergencies. In cities, they can provide water to a significant proportion of the population and can play an important role in securing supplies. Where this service exists, it will most likely continue to function during an emergency.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
Water Kiosks are a type of direct water vendor (see [D.2]) that is located at a fixed location from which consumers purchase and collect water, as opposed to distributing vendors who deliver to the purchaser. This stationary vending location might also store and/or post-treat the water. Water Kiosks help fill the gap in water provision, allowing water to be accessible to households in areas with insufficient water distribution infrastructure. Where this service already exists, it will most likely to continue to function or can be rebuilt during an emergency. During acute emergencies, they are commonly not operated commercially.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
A Water Storage Tank holds large volumes of water, usually balancing supply and demand of drinking water before distribution. Transportable Water Storage Tanks (flexible or demountable rigid) can be assembled rapidly when needed. They are mainly used at the onset of an emergency to enable immediate water distribution and may also form a part of the water distribution system in the medium term.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + |
Application Level
Household | + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Community Distribution Systems transfer water from a source or treatment facility via pipes to the final distribution point (communal or household taps) using various energy sources, such as gravity or pumps. In the acute response phase, small-scale systems can be used, while medium-scale systems are more likely in the stabilisation and recovery phases.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Large-Scale Distribution Systems transfer water from a source or treatment facility via pipes to the final distribution point (communal or household taps) using different means of energy, such as gravity or pumps. In an emergency context, these are systems that already exist, but may need repair or rehabilitation.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Proper and frequent handwashing with soap is one of the most important measures to prevent the transmission of diarrhoea and respiratory diseases. Handwashing Facilities should be available next to toilets, food preparation areas and other critical locations in households, schools, health care facilities and other institutions and public spaces. When a piped water supply is not available, handwashing stations require constant refilling with water and a supply of soap.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
City | + + |
A Ceramic Filter is a mechanical filtration device made of clay that traps particles and micro- organisms within the ceramic element, which can be a pot, candle or disc. Ceramic Filters typically consist of two parts, the top containing raw water together with the ceramic element, and the bottom containing the filtered water and a tap. Ceramic Filters can also be plumbed directly into a pressurised water pipe.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Household Membrane Filters generally use ultrafiltration (UF) or microfiltration (MF) membranes as flat sheet or hollow fibre modules. Water is filtered by gravity or manual pumping. Particles, colloids, protozoa, bacteria and viruses are retained on the membrane surface. The removal performance depends on the pore size of the membrane and its manufacturing quality.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Biosand Filters (BSF) remove suspended solids and microbial contaminants from water with varying levels of turbidity through a combination of physical and biological processes. They are an adaptation of the continuousflow traditional Slow Sand Filter [T.9] and can be used intermittently, making them suitable for household use.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Point-of-Supply Chlorination at community water points, schools, health centres and water tanks involves the installation of a device at the water point that is operated by water pressure. The device continuously releases a dose of chlorine into the collected water by dissolving solid chlorine media or by dosing liquid chlorine. Disinfection occurs during the transport of water to the home and storage in the container. During disease outbreaks, the dosing of chlorine can be done manually (bucket Chlorination).
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Neighbourhood | + + |
Combined Coagulation, Sedimentation and Chlorination is available for household use as small sachets of coagulant and a time-release form of chlorine. The coagulant reduces turbidity (‘muddiness’), while the chlorine, which activates after some time, disinfects by inactivating pathogenic microorganisms. A single sachet treats a volume of water defined by manufacturer (e.g. 10 or 20 L) within 30 minutes.
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Water Pasteurisation uses heat to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms. Most protozoa, bacteria and viruses are inactivated at temperatures between 60–70° C and an exposure time of at least 1 min, though some bacterial spores and protozoan cysts require longer exposure. In practice, water pasteurisation means maintaining water at 70° C for 15 minutes.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + |
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Response Phase
Acute Response | + + |
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Fluoride is a groundwater contaminant naturally present in rocks and soils (commonly volcanic-derived sediments). At levels over 1.5 mg/L, it can detrimentally impact human health. As the health impacts result from prolonged consumption, Fluoride Removal is mostly relevant for the recovery phase and protracted emergencies.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Arsenic is a groundwater contaminant naturally present in rocks and soils, though may also result from industrial activities. When present at levels over 10 μg/L, arsenic can detrimentally impact human health and should be addressed as soon as possible. It can be removed from groundwater by oxidation followed by filtration, precipitation, adsorption, ion exchange processes or reverse osmosis.
Response Phase
Stabilisation | + + |
Recovery | + + |
Application Level
Household | + + |
Neighbourhood | + + |
Indicación de la idoneidad de las tecnologías de abastecimiento de agua en función de las tres diferentes fases de emergencia:
La asignación de tecnologías a las distintas fases de la emergencia se basa principalmente en su aplicabilidad, rapidez de ejecución y requisitos materiales. Permite una primera orientación general, pero puede diferir en una situación local concreta.
Indicación de si una tecnología ha sido probada y ensayada en diferentes fases de respuesta y de si se ha establecido durante un tiempo suficiente para obtener la experiencia necesaria en su instalación, uso y operación y mantenimiento.
Indicación de hasta qué punto es probable que se pueda acceder localmente a una tecnología y sus componentes/materiales y si es necesario traerlos de fuera.
Indicación de los distintos niveles y escalas espaciales para los que la tecnología es más adecuada. Se subdivide en los siguientes niveles:
Permite dar una primera orientación general, pero puede diferir en una situación local específica.
Indicación de dónde recae la responsabilidad principal del funcionamiento y mantenimiento (O&M) de una tecnología específica:
Permite dar una primera orientación general, pero puede diferir en una situación local específica.
Indicación de la complejidad técnica de cada tecnología, es decir, el nivel de conocimientos técnicos necesarios para implantar, utilizar y mantener la tecnología en cuestión. Esto puede ayudar a planificar en los casos en que las competencias y capacidades sean limitadas o no estén disponibles temporalmente.
La clasificación se basa en un enfoque comparativo entre las distintas tecnologías y no debe considerarse en términos absolutos.
+49 30 419 343 - 45
+49 30 419 343 - 40
German Toilet Organization e.V.
Juliusstr. 41
D-12051 Berlin
The platform will be further enhanced in the coming weeks and months to include more language options and additional functionalities. Any comments and feedback that help improving and further developing the platform are highly appreciated.