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This section is a compilation of all technologies that have been individually marked by clicking the asterisk next to each technology in the ‘Water Supply Technologies’ section. The marked technologies are automatically transferred here and ordered according to the functional group to which they belong. By selecting (or deselecting) technologies users can identify and develop their individual water supply service solutions. Furthermore, this section conveniently collects all technology information sheets of the selected technologies in one ZIP folder, which can easily be downloaded, printed or shared with others. It also shows all relevant references and further reading materials for the selected technologies.

Further Readings




Download Selection

This file contains all technology information sheets of the selected technologies in one ZIP folder.

Download ZIP file

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Share with others your watchlist of selected technologies together with all relevant references and further reading materials for the selected technologies with a simple click.

Coming soon

The full softcopy version of the 'Compendium of Water Supply Technologies in Emergencies' can be downloaded. If you are interested to get a hardcopy publication please contact us.

Download  Order the book

Also available in Ukrainian.
Download Ukrainian version


This is still a Beta Version!

The platform will be further enhanced in the coming weeks and months to include more language options and additional functionalities. Any comments and feedback that help improving and further developing the platform are highly appreciated.

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