The Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) consists of the following five elements: (1) needs assessment and analysis; (2) strategic response planning; (3) resource mobilisation; (4) implementation and monitoring; and (5) operational review and evaluation. Successful implementation of any humanitarian intervention depends on the coordination and combination of all of these elements with good information management and continuous prevention and preparedness activities. This should help with real-time mitigation of the negative impacts related to lack of access to safe water supplies and avoid exacerbating the problem. Most importantly, people should be placed at the centre of this cycle to ensure that the protection principles are addressed, which are:
To ensure that all affected people get access to equitable safe water, communities must be consulted and actively involved in every phase of the HPC. Communities should be provided with opportunities and operational space to provide feedback, which must be heard and acted upon to ensure the interventions are appropriate and allow for sustained service delivery. This is often referred to as Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA). The main objectives of CEA are:
(): Initial Situation